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Temporary Museum of Alternative Citizen
Installation, performance, video animation, photograph, artistic book, fermented rice and honey, distilled rice, objects


City is a residential area that is physically represented by a collection of buildings that dominate the spatial plan and has various facilities to support citizens lives. Talk about the city we can not deny that a lot of kinds mode of life conducted by the society, from mainstream to alternative. See the phenomenon in many cities in the world, as if the model of community life is already programmed, from small to large, from family life to a state matter. This raises the question whether it is still there / can to simply knowing how to mode of alternative life in a some cities? Whether the urban communities still doing and need things like that? How important alternative food, alternative education, as well as alternative educational entertainment for the community? When it is offered, whether it could be a solution for urban life?

Hence physically, project structured to ignite memories and thoughts of society about how the global lifes. And a temporary museum also as a tribute to the people in the city are still doing alternative activities for life. Moreover, in the conceptual context, this museum not as a final result but open opportunities for the possibilities to starting again. A city, the atmosphere will continue to change and revitalization will always do. Cities will continue to create new stories, and will always carry the memory, and it is important to make a tribute to the past to reach the future.

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