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Coastal Arts Project

Curatorial, research (on going project)

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This on-going project working interdisciplinarily, initiated by M. Haryo Hutomo and interested in collaborative works which is involving many people and trying to bridge different backgrounds. Invite artists, activists, scientists, researchers, religious leaders, investors, or other practitioners who interested to working and studying together in coastal areas. To see how far scientific studies and practices can work contextually in accordance with demographic and communities culture in each coastal areas.

The coastal area is a social, economic, ecological and cultural entity, and until nowdays still going on. In it there is a human set that has a pattern of life, behavior and certain characteristics. Coastal communities  became the main actors in marine, agricultural and fisheries development, as well as the shaper of a culture in where they live. Therefore, it is interesting to understand the characteristics of coastal communities and how these characteristics occur, as well as the dependence influence of coastal and marine resources utilization on coastal character formation.

In a geographical context this project is no longer confined to the country and maritime boundary, but focus on coastal areas as the border between land and sea and a stretch of land that has life.This project has an open opportunity for many people who want to be involved. And very happy to open a dialogue that has an effort in re-interpreting coastal issues, it aims to open up new possibilities and potentials that can be developed, to continue living in the future.

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